ගවේෂණය කරන්න
Sanitary Napkins: Subjected to Unreasonably High Taxes
The total tax burden on Sanitary napkins is 47.1%, this is significantly higher than the tax burden of selected non-essentials items, gold jewelry, raw silk, golf clubs and golf balls and military artillery weapons.
Sanitary Napkins: Subjected to Unreasonably High Taxes
The total tax burden on Sanitary napkins is 47.1%, this is significantly higher than the tax burden of selected non-essentials items, gold jewelry, raw silk, golf clubs and golf balls and military artillery weapons.
Sanitary Napkins: Subjected to Unreasonably High Taxes
The total tax burden on Sanitary napkins is 47.1%, this is significantly higher than the tax burden of selected non-essentials items, gold jewelry, raw silk, golf clubs and golf balls and military artillery weapons.
Sanitary Napkins: Subjected to Unreasonably High Taxes
The total tax burden on Sanitary napkins is 47.1%, this is significantly higher than the tax burden of selected non-essentials items, gold jewelry, raw silk, golf clubs and golf balls and military artillery weapons.
පනත් සහ ගැසට් පත්ර
Annual Budget Dashboard
අයවැය පොරොන්දු
Fiscal Indicators
ඉන්ධන මිල නිරීක්ෂණ ට්රැකරය
IMF මීටරය
යටිතල පහසුකම් විපරම
PF වයර්
අපි ගැන
Thank You
රාජ්ය මූල්ය දත්ත හා විශ්ලේෂණයන් සඳහා
නිදහස් හා විවෘත ප්රවේශය
2023 අයවැය
2023 අයවැය
2023 අයවැය පිළිබඳ සවිස්තරාත්මක විශ්ලේෂණය.
Will the budget's veil of secrecy be lifted in 2024?
The lack of transparency on the implementation progress of proposals in budget speeches has increased sharply in 2022 and 2023, according to a systematic evaluation conducted by Verité Research. The governme...
පීඑෆ් වයර් පුවත්
Daily FT
Verité Research says progress unknown of 2023 Budg...
Verité Research on Wednesday revealed that Budget 2023 proposals to the value of Rs. 43.8 billion or 89% of the funds allocated, the Government was not able to provide information on progress.
වැඩිදුර කියවන්න
Daily News
Economy witnessed gradual revival in 2023 – CBSL
The Central Bank of Sri Lanka reported a gradual economic revival in 2023, following the country's most severe post-Independence downturn. Th...
වැඩිදුර කියවන්න
Sunday Times
Treasury orders ministries to further reduce budge...
The Finance Ministry has issued a fresh circular, directing ministries to further slash their budgets by six percent... https://www.sundaytimes.lk/230122/news/tre...
වැඩිදුර කියවන්න
විදසුන් කියවන්න: 2023 අයවැය
Where's the promised land?
ශ්රී ලංකාව තුළ විදේශීය සෘජු ආයෝජන (F...
Does Sri Lanka Need More Rules or Better...
The government of Sri Lanka proposed introducing a new law to establish stronger rules on public...
Expenditure Proposals from the 2023 Budg...
The following infographics present some of the key expenditure proposals presented in the 2023 Bu...
2023 අයවැය තුළවූ ආංශීක ප්රතිපාදන
2023 අයවැයෙන් ආරක්ෂක වියදම් වල සිට ජලය සහ සනීපාරක්ෂාව දක්වා, සියලු අංශ වෙනුවෙන් කරන ලද ප්රති...
අපේක්ෂිත දළ දේශීය නිෂ්පාදිතය- අයවැය 2023
ශ්රී ලංකා අයවැය 2023 වර්ෂයට සාපේක්ෂව නාමික දළ දේශීය නිෂ්පාදිතයේ...
2023 අයවැය සාරාංශය
2023 සඳහා ශ්රී ලංකාවේ මූල්ය ඉලක්ක
ශ්රී ලංකා අයවැය 2023: 2023 අයවැය ප්රක්ෂේපනවලට අනුව,202...
2023 අයවැයේ අනාවරණ
2023 වසර ස...
Too Many ‘Known Unknowns’ in Sri Lanka’s IMF Progr...
This article was compiled by Dr. Nishan de Mel. Dr. Nishan de Mel is the Executive Director of Verité Research and an economist with extensive acade...
වැඩිදුර කියවන්න
2025 Vote on Account’s revenue gains may fall shor...
On 6 December, Parliament approved the 2025 Vote on Account, allocating funds for the first four months of the year. To understand what a Vote on Account entails, read our blog
වැඩිදුර කියවන්න
Government introduces new expenditure and relief t...
On 05 December 2024, the government presented supplementary estimates totalling LKR 219.4 billion for the year, which was not included in the original 2024 budget. Supplementary allocations are typically introduced to address unforeseen emer...
වැඩිදුර කියවන්න