ගවේෂණය කරන්න
Is Maldives going down Sri Lanka's path?: Concern on Budget Deficits
The graphs below depict the Primary Balances and budget balances as a percentage of GDP for Maldives and Sri Lanka. Besides 2017 and 2018, Sri Lanka’s annual Primary Balance has consistently been a deficit with 2021 reporting the largest deficit of 6 percent. Maldives follows a consecutive negative trend in their Primary Balance with the largest deficit of 21 percent in 2020. These numbers signal a similar path to Sri Lanka for Maldives in terms of their Primary Balances. When looking at Budget Balances, Sri Lanka and Maldives appear to be following a similar trend. Both countries exhibit a similar trend of having large deficits. For both Maldives and Sri Lanka the largest deficits are seen in 2020, 23% for Maldives and 13% for Sri Lanka. Running persistent deficits would add a significant debt burden to the economy as they need to be financed by borrowing making it vulnerable to an economic crisis.
Is Maldives going down Sri Lanka's path?: Concern on Budget Deficits
The graphs below depict the Primary Balances and budget balances as a percentage of GDP for Maldives and Sri Lanka. Besides 2017 and 2018, Sri Lanka’s annual Primary Balance has consistently been a deficit with 2021 reporting the largest deficit of 6 percent. Maldives follows a consecutive negative trend in their Primary Balance with the largest deficit of 21 percent in 2020. These numbers signal a similar path to Sri Lanka for Maldives in terms of their Primary Balances. When looking at Budget Balances, Sri Lanka and Maldives appear to be following a similar trend. Both countries exhibit a similar trend of having large deficits. For both Maldives and Sri Lanka the largest deficits are seen in 2020, 23% for Maldives and 13% for Sri Lanka. Running persistent deficits would add a significant debt burden to the economy as they need to be financed by borrowing making it vulnerable to an economic crisis.
Is Maldives going down Sri Lanka's path?: Concern on Budget Deficits
The graphs below depict the Primary Balances and budget balances as a percentage of GDP for Maldives and Sri Lanka. Besides 2017 and 2018, Sri Lanka’s annual Primary Balance has consistently been a deficit with 2021 reporting the largest deficit of 6 percent. Maldives follows a consecutive negative trend in their Primary Balance with the largest deficit of 21 percent in 2020. These numbers signal a similar path to Sri Lanka for Maldives in terms of their Primary Balances. When looking at Budget Balances, Sri Lanka and Maldives appear to be following a similar trend. Both countries exhibit a similar trend of having large deficits. For both Maldives and Sri Lanka the largest deficits are seen in 2020, 23% for Maldives and 13% for Sri Lanka. Running persistent deficits would add a significant debt burden to the economy as they need to be financed by borrowing making it vulnerable to an economic crisis.
Is Maldives going down Sri Lanka's path?: Concern on Budget Deficits
The graphs below depict the Primary Balances and budget balances as a percentage of GDP for Maldives and Sri Lanka. Besides 2017 and 2018, Sri Lanka’s annual Primary Balance has consistently been a deficit with 2021 reporting the largest deficit of 6 percent. Maldives follows a consecutive negative trend in their Primary Balance with the largest deficit of 21 percent in 2020. These numbers signal a similar path to Sri Lanka for Maldives in terms of their Primary Balances. When looking at Budget Balances, Sri Lanka and Maldives appear to be following a similar trend. Both countries exhibit a similar trend of having large deficits. For both Maldives and Sri Lanka the largest deficits are seen in 2020, 23% for Maldives and 13% for Sri Lanka. Running persistent deficits would add a significant debt burden to the economy as they need to be financed by borrowing making it vulnerable to an economic crisis.
පනත් සහ ගැසට් පත්ර
Annual Budget Dashboard
අයවැය පොරොන්දු
Fiscal Indicators
ඉන්ධන මිල නිරීක්ෂණ ට්රැකරය
IMF මීටරය
යටිතල පහසුකම් විපරම
PF වයර්
අපි ගැන
Thank You
රාජ්ය මූල්ය දත්ත හා විශ්ලේෂණයන් සඳහා
නිදහස් හා විවෘත ප්රවේශය
Srilankan Debt Timeline
Srilankan Debt Timeline
මෙය බෙදා ගන්න
ඔබේ අදහස් දක්වන්න
අදහස ඇතුළත් කරන්න
සබැඳි මාතෘකා
Sri Lanka moves closer to finalising debt restruct...
Per capita debt hits Rs. 1.3 m
Public debt grew more slowly in the first three qu...