Featured Insight
An Overview of IMF Extended Fund Facility
This article was compiled by Professor Udara Peiris and Raj Prabu Rajakulendran. Udara Peiris joined Oberlin in the fall of 2022. He was previously a tenured Associate Professor of Finance at HSE University (at the department ICEF) in Russia and has taught at the University of Warwick, and the University of Oxford (both in the UK). He was a research advisor to the Central Bank of Russia, consulted the Government of Sri Lanka, and presented his research at institutions including the IMF, Federal Reserve System, Bank of England, and Reserve Bank of Australia. His research has a strong policy focus and covers the nexus between the macroeconomy and the financial markets. Raj is a Lead Economist within the Economic Research Team at Verité Research. He specializes in providing in-depth analysis and expert insights on Sri Lanka's macroeconomic conditions and policies. His research areas include public finance, macroeconomics, debt sustainability, and economic governance.
Featured Insight
An Overview of IMF Extended Fund Facility
This article was compiled by Professor Udara Peiris and Raj Prabu Rajakulendran. Udara Peiris joined Oberlin in the fall of 2022. He was previously a tenured Associate Professor of Finance at HSE University (at the department ICEF) in Russia and has taught at the University of Warwick, and the University of Oxford (both in the UK). He was a research advisor to the Central Bank of Russia, consulted the Government of Sri Lanka, and presented his research at institutions including the IMF, Federal Reserve System, Bank of England, and Reserve Bank of Australia. His research has a strong policy focus and covers the nexus between the macroeconomy and the financial markets. Raj is a Lead Economist within the Economic Research Team at Verité Research. He specializes in providing in-depth analysis and expert insights on Sri Lanka's macroeconomic conditions and policies. His research areas include public finance, macroeconomics, debt sustainability, and economic governance.
Featured Insight
An Overview of IMF Extended Fund Facility
This article was compiled by Professor Udara Peiris and Raj Prabu Rajakulendran. Udara Peiris joined Oberlin in the fall of 2022. He was previously a tenured Associate Professor of Finance at HSE University (at the department ICEF) in Russia and has taught at the University of Warwick, and the University of Oxford (both in the UK). He was a research advisor to the Central Bank of Russia, consulted the Government of Sri Lanka, and presented his research at institutions including the IMF, Federal Reserve System, Bank of England, and Reserve Bank of Australia. His research has a strong policy focus and covers the nexus between the macroeconomy and the financial markets. Raj is a Lead Economist within the Economic Research Team at Verité Research. He specializes in providing in-depth analysis and expert insights on Sri Lanka's macroeconomic conditions and policies. His research areas include public finance, macroeconomics, debt sustainability, and economic governance.
Featured Insight
An Overview of IMF Extended Fund Facility
This article was compiled by Professor Udara Peiris and Raj Prabu Rajakulendran. Udara Peiris joined Oberlin in the fall of 2022. He was previously a tenured Associate Professor of Finance at HSE University (at the department ICEF) in Russia and has taught at the University of Warwick, and the University of Oxford (both in the UK). He was a research advisor to the Central Bank of Russia, consulted the Government of Sri Lanka, and presented his research at institutions including the IMF, Federal Reserve System, Bank of England, and Reserve Bank of Australia. His research has a strong policy focus and covers the nexus between the macroeconomy and the financial markets. Raj is a Lead Economist within the Economic Research Team at Verité Research. He specializes in providing in-depth analysis and expert insights on Sri Lanka's macroeconomic conditions and policies. His research areas include public finance, macroeconomics, debt sustainability, and economic governance.
சட்டங்கள் மற்றும் வர்த்தமானிகள்
விரிவான பார்வை
Annual Budget Dashboard
வரவு செலவுத்திட்ட வாக்குறுதிகள்
Fiscal Indicators
எரிபொருள் விலை கண்காணிப்பான்
IMF கண்காணிப்பான்
உட்கட்டமைப்பு கருத்திட்ட கண்காணிப்பான்
PF வயர்
எங்களை பற்றி
Thank You
பட்ஜெட் 2023
பட்ஜெட் 2023
2023 ம் ஆண்டு வரவு-செலவுத் திட்டம் மீதான விரிவான ஆய்வு
2023 வரவுசெலவுத்திட்ட சுருக்கம்
இலங்கை 2023 வரவு செலவுத் திட்டத்தில்அதிக வருவாய், செலவு மற்றும் 6.6% வரவு செலவுத் திட்ட பற்றாக்குறை ஆகியவற்றை எதிர்பார்க்கிறது.
பி.எஃப். வயரில் இணைப்பிலிருந்து
Daily FT
Verité Research says progress unknown of 2023 Budg...
Verité Research on Wednesday revealed that Budget 2023 proposals to the value of Rs. 43.8 billion or 89% of the funds allocated, the Government was not able to provide information on progress.
மேலும் வாசிக்க
Daily News
Economy witnessed gradual revival in 2023 – CBSL
The Central Bank of Sri Lanka reported a gradual economic revival in 2023, following the country's most severe post-Independence downturn. Th...
மேலும் வாசிக்க
Sunday Times
Treasury orders ministries to further reduce budge...
The Finance Ministry has issued a fresh circular, directing ministries to further slash their budgets by six percent... https://www.sundaytimes.lk/230122/news/tre...
மேலும் வாசிக்க
நுண்ணறிவு பட்ஜெட் 2023
Inadequacy of Sri Lanka's budget process
As taxpayers, you fund the national budget. But do you know whether...
Parliamentary Budget Office and Public F...
The recently enacted Public Financial Man...
வரவு செலவுத் திட்ட வெளிப்படைத்தன்மை - 12...
தேசிய வரவு செலவுத்திட்ட சுழற்சிகளின் வெளி...
2023 End Year Budget Promises Study: Tra...
The 2023 End Year Budget Promises Assessm...
ஒதுக்கப்பட்ட நிதியில் 89 சதவீதத்திற்குப்...
2023 வரவு செலவுத்திட்ட உரையின் 25 மிக உயர...
2023 இல் இலங்கையின் நிதிச் செயற்பாடுகள்,...
2023 இல் இலங்கையின் நிதிச் செயற்பாடுகள், முன்னேற்றம் மற்றும் தற்போதைய சவால்களின் கலவையான நிலவரத்த...
National Budget Process in 60 Seconds!
The video below describes the National Budget process from planning...
Will the budget's veil of secrecy be lif...
The lack of transparency on the implementation progress of proposals...
Sri Lanka's best kept secret
The lack of fiscal transparency is a key factor that contributed to...
Debt Digest - March 2023
This article was compiled by Dr. Nishan de Mel and Professor Udara Peiris. Dr. Nishan de Mel is the Executive Director of Verité Research and an eco...
மேலும் வாசிக்க
Calculating the Loss to the EPF from Proposed DDR
This article was compiled by Dr. Nishan de Mel. Dr. Nishan de Mel is the Executive Director of Verité Research and an economist with extensive acade...
மேலும் வாசிக்க
Maldives’ reserves continue to dip
The external reserves of the Maldives have been on a declining trend since June 2020. At that time, the gross reserves held by the Maldives Monetary Authority amounted to USD 702.5 million , sufficient to finance
மேலும் வாசிக்க